Rock Creek Church Fire Water Analysis

Rock Creek Church is situated high on a hill in Louisville, Colorado, with the picturesque backdrop of Boulder’s Flatiron mountains. In 2021, Rock Creek Church sought to build an addition that would nearly double the size of the current facility. With the increased building area came additional fire code requirements for sprinkler protection and fire water availability. Due to its location, a municipal water system is not available in the vicinity of the church.

Coffman’s Denver team assisted the owner by identifying a fire protection strategy using passive fire protection in place of installing a new fire sprinkler system. Coffman also performed hydrant water flow testing, determined fire water demand using NFPA 1142, coordinated with the local fire jurisdiction, and identified a fire department tactical response strategy that utilized nearby municipal hydrants in place of on-site water storage tanks.


  • Commercial & Retail


  • Fire Protection Engineering