Kaiser Permanente Moanalua Medical Center Water Tanks

During water system interruptions, such as natural disasters or utility water system failures, the operation of a health care facility can be interrupted. For these reasons, it is critical that healthcare facilities prepare a water supply plan to maintain daily operations and patient care services. As part of Kaiser Permanente’s water supply planning, the Moanalua Medical Center constructed three 25,000 gallon pressurized water tanks at the hospital facility in Honolulu, Hawaii.

Coffman worked with the owner and contractor to provide mechanical and electrical engineering for the design and construction of three 25,000 gallon emergency water storage tanks to be used in the event of a prolonged disruption to the water supply. The Honolulu team also collaborated with the Burlington office that specializes in water system design. The project included the design of the pumps, pump controls, and a pump house. The pumps operate on low pressure and were coordinated with the electrical system to be monitored by the hospital’s DDCS system. All systems are also backed up by the hospital generator.

Installation involved a coordinated effort to maneuver the large steel tanks between the existing hospital facility and the steep hillside and secure them to the concrete foundations.


  • Healthcare
  • Energy & Utility


  • Electrical Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Water & Wastewater Services
  • Electrical Instrumentation & Controls